Site Updated 07.25.2021
I'm glad you've come to visit. I've always believed that God orchestrates our lives so paths cross when He desires. He's at work. I don't know his agenda for your visit. So, look around. Read. Listen. Ponder what you find. Ask God, "What do You want?" Then, obey. Do nothing more and nothing less. Think about it. What lines do you need to cross? What's limiting you? God is bigger than them all. Pastor Parker.
Recent Writing Posts
The Great Commission Approach to Scripture
The Great Commission is a brief passage of Scripture that significantly stirs the hearts of most Christians. Everyone seems to be able to connect it to missions, but how can we connect it to teaching and preaching? The Great Commission instructs us to teach "them" to "obey all I have commanded you." That involves a process that includes good preaching and good listening... and a couple of other things. Read more here.
You're heading somewhere. Everyone is...
Everyone is on a journey. It's personal and it's permanent. Your life is taking you somewhere. This site is all about your journey and mine. I share my foundation, the truth I live by. I encourage you to consider what lies beneath your life. Foundations matter. They determine your future and your eternity. If you choose a wrong foundation, at the end, you'll discover a wrong destination. So, choose well. I hope you'll find some guidance among the entries and sermons on this site.